33 stunning photos that reveal the beauty and mystery of life under the (warm water) sea

Meet Bo Pardau, one of Hawaii’s finest underwater photographers.

7 creative side-hustles to keep you afloat in Hawaii

How and where to make money in paradise, so you can stay in paradise.

7 excellent blogs about Hawaii aside from this one

As you can tell we LOVE blogs about Hawaii. And now it’s time to share.

The 9 most peculiar critters of Hawaii, ranked from best to worst

Get to know a few of our local creatures, ranked from terrible to awesome.

7 quick and practical tips to help you enjoy Hawaii better

Consider these words of wisdom the starting point for a most wonderful time in Hawaii.

11 travel gadgets for Maui worth splurging on

Take your Maui travels to the next level of comfort, convenience and organization with this top-rated travel gear.

5 spectacular gifts on Maui and where to find them

Giving gifts is more fun than getting them…especially these unique Maui gifts.

How to be prepared for a natural disaster in Hawaii

Get to know the natural disasters that happen in Hawaii so you can be mindful and prepared.

5 ways to count your Thanksgiving blessings on Maui

Sometimes we have to balance all the fun with a deep sense of gratitude for everything we have.

13 spooktacular ways to enjoy Halloween on Maui

There are two awesome facts about Halloween this year on Maui: It falls on a Saturday, which means you can really let …