When’s the last time you:
…relaxed on a red sand beach?

Kaihalulu Bay in Hana
…sat with a friend while the sunset just did its thing?

Kihei sunset
…went for a casual drive and saw this?

Maui coastline
..left your footprints in the sand?
…meditated under a coconut tree?

Hamoa Beach
…hiked into your own private beach?

Black sand beach in Hana
…cooled off in a tropical waterfall?

Hanawi Falls on the road to Hana
…observed the beauty of a single flower?

Hibiscus in perfection
…connected with someone on a lavarock coastline?

Keanae coastline
…had this morning walk all to yourself?

Keawakapu Beach
…felt truly connected to nature?

Kihei sunset
…slid down the face of a wave?

Maui style longboarding
…sat on a swing right to watch the sunset?

…found your higher self?

Maui temple
…stopped worrying about it all?

Shorebreak, anyone?
…witnessed something rare?

Silversword plant at Haleakala
…hung out with a turtle?

Honu at sunset
…got barreled?

A nice little cover-up
…gazed at a nearby island?

Wahikuli Park
…have been somewhere you never ever want to leave?

Wailea sunset
Flickr photo credits: gomaba 1 2, kejie-hong, jhartley, 9962699@N04, airinnajera, capers66 1 2 3 4, matthewperryphoto, birdlives9 1 2, kpbim 1 2 3, bluewavechris 1 2, xxviolinist, thomasessi, 115487115@N06
Need a hand with your next Maui vacation? Please contact the Sunny Maui Vacations team at info@sunnymauivacations.com or call 808-240-1311, ext. 21. We’ll find you the best vacation rental condo or rental home in South Maui and help you with any and all recommendations and activities across Maui.